How to Find Parent ASIN Amazon

How to Find Parent ASIN Amazon

In this article, you’ll know how to find Parent ASIN Amazon either by manually or automatically using ZonASINHunter. Parent ASIN and Child ASIN codes are one of the feature Amazon brings to customers and sellers, which enables sellers to enter just one item and all the variations are included in one page instead of scattered all around the high number of Amazon pages. This would make it easier for sellers to optimize for the parent ASIN page only instead of optimizing all of the variations of the product. For buyers, it is very helpful to choose the variations on one page, so they can pick the color, sizes, or other package they need instead of browsing through a bunch of sites and compare them. Thus, it saves both seller’s and buyer’s time.

What is ASIN Parents

ASIN parents are the parent of the item, which sellers use to identify the item that needs to have the variations such as colors, sizes, etc. Different than any other data in Amazon, in order how to find parent ASIN Amazon, you need to look in the correct places.

However, it’s not always easy to spot the parent ASIN. You can see the product description to see if it has parent ASIN which different than the URL, but that’s not always the case.

asin parents

Take, for example, this item B07FFDR6PX. This is not the parent ASIN, but one of the variations of the product. The parent ASIN is B07FZ5RVQ2. How do I know? I use ZonASINHunter to find out.

parent asin in product description

Amazon Parent Child Listing

Amazon Parent Child listing relationship is sometimes confusing, as many people regard the URL of the product is the parent. For example:

But this is not the case. Amazon doesn’t show visually the parent ASIN on the page, making it hard to make a listing based on the parent ASIN. The Parent ASIN is

To make it more confusing; they are exactly the same. Open it on your browser and you’ll see that they have the exact copy of the page.

How to Find Parent ASIN Amazon using ZonASINHunter

There’s no need to be confused with technical issue as ZonASINHunter has a built-in parent ASIN and child ASINs scraping module, which automatically gets them on your command. Finding out parent sku is even easier using the software. Just import the ASIN then click one button, you’ll get the result immediately.

how to find parent asin amazon